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Our Services

Faithful Hearts,

Discover the life-changing impact of God’s word through a deep dive into Scripture, inspiring hearts and minds to represent the principles of love,
service, and personal development.

Sunday Worship Services: 11am

Come and join us at Lakeside Park Church of God every Sunday for a unique worship experience. As soon as you enter our doors, you’ll feel surrounded by an atmosphere of reverence and joy as we come together to sing praises and worship. Pastor Brad and Regina Forrest lead our worship team in heartfelt songs, preparing us for a sacred meeting with God. Our sermons, based on Scripture and practical wisdom, inspire and challenge, transforming lives. Whether you’re a strong believer or a newcomer to faith, our Sunday services provide a welcoming environment to encounter God and His love fully.

Midweek Bible Studies: 7pm Wednesdays

Uncover the delight of expanding your knowledge of God’s Word and enhancing your connection with Him through our midweek Bible studies at Lakeside Park Church of God. In a cozy and interactive atmosphere, these meetings allow for a unique opportunity to explore the Scriptures, ask questions, and participate in meaningful conversations with fellow believers. Guided by Pastor Brad and Regina Forrest, our Bible studies address various topics catered to the spiritual needs of our diverse congregation. Whether you’re starting to learn about Christianity or aiming to deepen your theological understanding, our midweek Bible studies provide a supportive space to nurture your faith, solidify your beliefs, and build lasting relationships with others on the path of discipleship.

Community Outreach Programs:

At Lakeside Park Church of God, we believe in the power of serving others and making a positive impact in our community. That’s why we’re committed to actively engaging in various outreach programs and initiatives that address the practical needs of those around us. From feeding the hungry and clothing the homeless to providing support for struggling families and offering hope to the marginalized, our community outreach efforts reflect the heart of Christ’s compassion and love. Managed by Pastor Brad and Regina Forrest, our dedicated team of volunteers works tirelessly to organize and execute these outreach endeavors, demonstrating the transformative power of love in action. Whether you’re looking to lend a helping hand, receive assistance, or connect with others who share a heart for serving, Lakeside Park Church of God invites you to join us in making a difference and spreading God’s love to all.

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